
"God will take your Mess and turn it into a Message"

Our guest today on "Voice Up for the Voiceless" is a true warrior: Cheryl Miller, known as "Cowgirl." Cheryl is a dedicated child advocate fighting against child abuse and sex trafficking. As a survivor herself, Cheryl bravely kept her secret until she was 42 years old. Since then, she has channeled her pain into passionate advocacy, traveling far and wide to raise awareness, provide resources, and empower others to break the cycle of this horrific epidemic.

Cheryl Miller's email: millerc183@gmail.com

Children's Center for Hope & Healing: https://www.hopeandhealingga.org/

Bikers Against Predators: https://www.facebook.com/Bikersagainstpredators1

7 Ways To Protect Your Child From Sexual Abuse: https://www.joshuastraub.com/2016/01/27/7-ways-to-protect-your-child-from-sexual-abuse/

The National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888


Reclaiming Your Power after Narcissistic Abuse Part 1


Gloria Masters: Handing The Shame Back